Looking for a way to stand out from your competitors? 8D could be the solution (pun intended!).
Obviously, your customers will love to see that you're solving problems to root cause and finding permanent solutions. This will benefit them in the long run because they know the problem won't happen again. In addition, here are some other ways to use 8D problem solving to impress your customer and stand above the competition.
Stick to their timescales and due dates
If your customers require 8Ds, make sure you adhere to the timelines they've set for you. You may need to create a spreadsheet, set calendar reminders or use an 8D problem solving software tool with built-in email reminders.
Create standard 8D reports
You probably have multiple sites and people completing 8Ds depending on the severity and type of problem your customer experienced. Your customers want to see a uniform, thorough report each time they receive an 8D so they understand the problem and know what to expect. They will appreciate the that you have a standard 8D process that is rolled out across all sites. You can do this using a template on Word/Excel or implementing problem solving software for everyone to use.
Set up a database of past problems
Your customers will appreciate it if you know what problems they've experienced in the past. When they call or email with a complaint, it is best if your customer service reps can pull past problem history instantly and discuss it with them, instead of the customer telling you what happened previously. You can do this using an 8D problem solving software, a shared folder or a shared Excel spreadsheet.
Send them email alerts
You can send email alerts to your customers telling them which stage their problem is to keep them informed on your progress. You can do this manually, with a CRM or with 8D problem solving software.
Thanks for reading! Leave us a comment if you have another idea, we'd love to hear it!